Find your county to determine your District President. District Boundaries
If you have questions relevant to your area, contact your District President.
1st District - Roseanne Paquette
2nd District -Deborah Meyer debmeyer69@gmail.com
3rd District - Lisa Drahman Wicks ldrahman@yahoo.com
4th District - Margie Hominy oh4thdistrictpresident@gmail.com
5th District - Nancy Longbrake nllongbrake@neo.rr.com
6th District - Rebecca Long rebecca.j.long254@gmail.com
7th District - Kathy Barnhart jklbarn@live.com
8th District - Betty Harris bettyharr2141@yahoo.com
9th District - Susan Schofield-Fratino bfratino@yahoo.com
10th District - Brenda Stottsberry brenda.stottsberry@use.salvationarmy.org
11th District - Jane Klug janeklug@sbcglobal.net
12th District - Kim Mann kim.mann67@yahoo.com
13th District - Cynthia Boehnlein cboehnlein55@gmail.com
14th District - Kathy Burkhammer lovemyangelsof2@yahoo.com