American Legion Auxiliary Programs
The Activities of the American Legion Auxiliary
Select a program below to learn more about what the American Legion Auxiliary does for veterans, their families, and their communities.
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Citation of Merit Requirements
Annual Impact Report Form and Tracking Sheet
Reporting Information and Assistance
District Chairmen Report Form for 5 Major Committees
Auxiliary Emergency Fund
Buckeye Girls State
Children & Youth
Community Service
Constitution & Bylaws
Junior Activities
National Security
Past Presidents Parley
Public Relations
Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
Key Program Statement:
- Be knowledgeable on flag history, etiquette, and proper disposal methods, and promote the observation of patriotic holidays so your community will look to the ALA for information.
- Increase participation in the Americanism Essay Contest
- Participate in the promotion of The American Legion Americanism programs.
Chairman: Cyndi Underwood
Vice Chairman: Peggy Park
Americanism Plan of Action
Auxiliary Emergency Fund
Key Program Statement:
- The Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) is a national grant assistance program that provides temporary emergency assistance to eligible members of the American Legion Auxiliary up to $2400 as the result of an act of nature or other personal crisis.
Chairman: Christie Peeper
Auxiliary Emergency Fund Plan of Action
AEF Disaster Grant Application
AEF Temporary Assistance Grant Application
Buckeye Girls State
Buckeye Girls State is the name given to Ohio's Girls State program, which is designed to educate Ohio's young women in the duties, privileges, rights, and responsibilities of good citizenship.
Key Program Statements
- In all 50 states the American Legion Auxiliary proudly host ALA Girls State, an amazing week of learning focused on responsible citizenship and love for God and country.
- ALA Girls State delegates are a diverse group of young women with a shared desire to learn and lead. ALA Girls State “citizens” come together from small towns, big cities, and rural areas to hold ALA Girls State elections, and their varied backgrounds set the stage for a week of spirited, experiential learning.
- The American Legion Auxiliary Girls Nation is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for young women. This weeklong event gives participants a firsthand experience with practical insight into how the federal government works.
- ALA Girls Nation connects participants with their peers from across the country, allowing the young women a unique opportunity to spend time with others who share common interests and those who have different perspectives from their own. The girls leave Washington, D.C. with a deeper understanding of government, a renewed sense of patriotism, and an appreciation for veterans.
BGS Director: Gwen Schroeder-Zulch
Buckeye Girls State Plan of Action
To learn more about Buckeye Girls State, visit or email BGS Coordinator Vicky Buck at
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The Auxiliary serves both “God and Country" through its Chaplains. Unit chaplains honor the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform and commemorate the lives of the auxiliary members who have served them through prayer and meditation. They serve by brightening the spirits of those in our VA medical facilities. Chaplains remind us that there is a higher power that allows us to serve our veterans, so we must remember to serve Him. One very important thing to keep in mind is that the American Legion Auxiliary does not promote any one religion, therefore; we must not offend anyone by promoting our own religion.
Chaplain: Melissa Boyers
Chaplain Plan of Action
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Children & Youth
Key Program Statements
- The Children & Youth program emphasizes protecting, caring for, and supporting children and youth, particularly those of veterans' and military families.
- To recognize and reward the positive actions of our children and youth, the American Legion Auxiliary has two special national awards bestowed to youth nominated by units: the Youth Hero Award and the Good Deed Award.
- Kids of Deployed are Heroes 2 (KDH2) is an initiative honoring military children who may be experiencing a separation from one or both parents, whether deployed to a war zone, having a short tour or on an extended temporary duty assignment.
- The American Legion Auxiliary Children & Youth program strives to support and promote the Children & Youth Program of The American Legion.
Chairman: Krista Carpenter
Vice Chairman: Colleen Phillips
Children & Youth Plan of Action
Youth Hero/Good Deed Award Nomination Form
Community Service
Key Program Statements
- Making our communities better places in which to live is something Auxiliary members strive for each day across this country.
- A major outreach program of the Auxiliary since 1926, Community Service also demonstrates our longstanding commitment to supporting the work of American Legion posts and other organizations in providing assistance with blood drives, first aid and CPR training, child safety programs, support for women in shelters, and disaster and emergency preparedness programs.
Chairman: Susan Fratino
Vice Chairman: Betty Taylor
UPDATED Community Service Plan of Action
Ohio Disaster Emergency Assistance Application
Constitution & Bylaws
Key Program Statements
- The Constitution & Bylaws program informs and educates members of the American Legion Auxiliary on the importance and power of having properly written and regularly reviewed and updated governing documents at all levels of the organization.
- Your governing documents include your articles of incorporation (if incorporated), constitution, bylaws, standing rules, and policies.
- These fundamental rules of the organization state how the membership agrees to govern itself, how it will choose its leaders, hold its meetings, and policies of the administration of the organization.
- Knowing the non-profit laws in your state provides the essential foundation for your governing documents at the department, district, county, and unit level.
- The importance of having governing documents in place to allow operations to continue in an emergency has become absolutely vital.
- Keeping your governing documents up to date and making them available to all members are key to a healthy organization that functions as a team to support our veterans, military, and their families.
- Remember that department, district, county, and unit constitution, bylaws, and standing rules cannot be in conflict with national governing documents.
- When the national constitution, bylaws, and standing rules change, departments, districts, counties, and units should automatically update their governing documents.
- Contact your Department Constitution & Bylaws Chairman for assistance. The National Association of Parliamentarians is a good resource to find a professional registered parliamentarian near you.
Chairman: Karen Peel
Constitution & Bylaws Plan of Action
Model C & B
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Key Program Statements
- To promote quality education for children, especially for military children, and adults
- To encourage schools to invite veterans to speak in their classrooms
- To provide scholarships for students who desire a college education
- To Support legislation that establishes new scholarship opportunities
- To support the Education program and scholarship opportunities of The American Legion
- Go to Scholarship tab for Scholarship Applications and Information. Can also access scholarship information in the Education Plan of Action.
Chairman: Makenah Leibert
Vice Chairman: Cindy Masowick, PDP
Education Plan of Action
How to Organize a Veterans in Community Events
Key Program Statements:
- American Legion Auxiliary National Finance Committee
- Finance Committee Roles and Responsibilities
- Finance Committee Responsibilities
- Governing Board delegated powers
Chairman: Diann Long
2nd Member: Alice Teynor
3rd Member: Leeann Stan
Finance Plan of Action
Fund Raising Ideas and Information
Incorporating Your Unit Information
Tax Information and Bonding Explanation
IRS Information on Non-Profit Tax Exempt Status
IRS Fact Sheet on Reinstatement
General Exemption Determination Letter for Units Departments

Key Program Statements:
- The heart of any organization’s history is in its records – items that officers, members, directors, staff, and volunteers have produced and compiled over the years. They provide unique testimony to the achievements of an organization.
- Maintaining and preserving our records are invaluable to society by serving as informative and educational resources to a variety of potential users. In other words, an organization benefits itself and the public by preserving its records and making them available for use by everyone inside and outside the organization.
- Members are able to look back and learn what efforts were successful, or unsuccessful, and why. Understanding the missteps as well as the achievements can assist in determining a stronger future strategy.
Historian: Dayna Beyer
History Plan of Action
History "How To"
Junior Activities
Key Program Statements:
- To inspire active participation in members age 17 and under so that they will become engaging, productive members who will want to continue their American Legion Auxiliary membership into adulthood.
- To build the Junior Activities program one member at a time by giving Junior members a voice and an opportunity to participate.
- To promote and encourage Junior participation in the Patch Program in order to teach them about the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary.
- To make Junior meetings fun and informative.
Chairman: Connie Morton
2nd Member: Michelle Bolin
3rd Member: Brandy Little
Junior Activities Plan of Action
Adryenne Rush - Dept. Honorary Junior Pres.
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Key Program Statements:
- To raise awareness of ALA leadership development opportunities.
- To promote participation in the ALA Academy.
- To enhance knowledge about ALA history, programs, and organization.
Chairman: Karen Kaczmarek
Leadership Plan of Action
District Training
Leadership Training Script (to use with slides) Updated!
National Leadership Training Courses
Test Your Journey Knowledge - Test
National Leadership Training Courses
Test Your Journey Knowledge- Test

2021 Part 4 - Conducting a Meeting
2021 Part 5 - Protocol & Parliamentary
2021 Part 6 - You Can Be A Leader
2021 Part 7 - Attitudes & More

Ohio Junior Leadership Script (Use with Slides)
Ohio Junior Leadership (Non Power Point Version)
Key Program Statements:
- The Legislative program provides information and assistance to American Legion Auxiliary members to advocate for the legislative agenda of The American Legion.
Chairman: Kathy Linn
Legislative Plan of Action
Legislative Council Application
Key Program Statements:
- The role of the national Membership Committee is to encourage and support the nationwide effort to attract and retain a diverse, active membership and establish new units to ensure the future of the American Legion Auxiliary.
- By honoring our veterans and military through meaningful service, the American Legion Auxiliary will grow our membership. We must let members know that they are the Auxiliary’s most valuable asset.
- There are several things members can do to promote membership for the American Legion Auxiliary including enhancing the member experience, reaching out to former and expired members, attracting new members and understanding and respecting member rights.
- Consult our Key Resources for this year’s membership awards.
Chairman: Renee Kohl
Membership Plan of Action
National Security
Key Program Statements:
- The National Security program maintains and promotes a strong national defense by strengthening and supporting military service members and their families.
- Support active-duty military families by working with an installation Family Readiness Group (FRG). Contact the Family Readiness Center on your nearby military installation for more information.
Chairman: Kimm Bunch
National Security Plan of Action
The Military Family Assistance Fund
The Military Family Assistance Fund is a Department of Ohio American Legion Auxiliary Program developed in order to come to direct aid of our veterans and their families right here in Ohio.
The program offers financial assistance for eligible veterans and their families. There is money available to assist in covering the costs of maintaining basic family needs such as the costs of shelter, food, utilities, and health expenses. Helping to keep a stable home environment. Funding can include, but is not limited to, family living expenses including rent, mortgage payment and utility bills; medical expenses; childcare for working parents; insurance premiums, and assist with necessary home repairs.
It is not necessary to be a member of the American Legion or American Legion Auxiliary to apply. Assistance is in the form of a grant and doesn't not have to be paid back. We only ask that you “pay it forward” and someday do a good deed for another.
Since its inception in 2012, the Ohio Military Family Assistance Fund has assisted over 43 families totaling over $50,000.00 in financial assistance. Think you want to help out. Check out the link below to make a donation.
Military Family Assistance Fund Brochure
Military Family Assistance Fund Application
Letter to Request Funds from Business and Organizations and Thank You Letter for Said Funds
Key Program Statements:
- Promote the Poppy Program and increase revenue.
- Educate your community on the meaning and the history of the poppy.
- Celebrate National Poppy Day.
- Increase the number of poppy makers in your community.
Chairman: Donella Kline
Poppy Plan of Action
Poppy Shop Director: Cindy Masowick
Poppy Resources
Poppy Day News Release
Poppy Public Service Announcement Template
Public Relations
Key Program Statements:
- Spread the word about the American Legion Auxiliary: A Community of Volunteers Serving Veterans, Military, and their Families.
- Encourage ALA members to be visible in their communities through valuable, distinct branding.
- Share the latest news from ALA volunteer national leadership and ALA National Headquarters.
Chairman: Mindi Rue
Public Relations Plan of Action
Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation
Key Program Statements:
- Support rehabilitation and healing of veterans through arts, crafts, and hobbies.
- Support veteran caregivers, family members and survivors.
- Enroll Auxiliary members as VA Voluntary Service (VAVS) volunteers at VA health care facilities.
- Help The American Legion, State Department of Veterans Affairs and Chamber of Commerce promote job fairs for veterans and their families.
- There isn’t a VA hospital close to your community? Find opportunities for Auxiliary members to serve veterans in your area such as serving the homeless.
Chairman: Marsha Giehls
Vice Chairman: Deb Sutterlin
Hospital Director: Linda Close